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Conjugación de claim

to claimreivindicar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I claimyo reivindico
you claimtú reivindicas
he claimsél reivindica
she claimsella reivindica
we claimnosotros reivindicamos
you claimvosotros reivindicáis
they claimellos reivindican
they claimellas reivindican

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I claimedyo reivindiqué
you claimedtú reivindicaste
he claimedél reivindicó
she claimedella reivindicó
we claimednosotros reivindicamos
you claimedvosotros reivindicasteis
they claimedellos reivindicaron
they claimedellas reivindicaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have claimedyo he reivindicado
you have claimedtú has reivindicado
he has claimedél ha reivindicado
she has claimedella ha reivindicado
we have claimednosotros hemos reivindicado
you have claimedvosotros habéis reivindicado
they have claimedellos han reivindicado
they have claimedellas han reivindicado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had claimedyo había reivindicado
you had claimedtú habías reivindicado
he had claimedél había reivindicado
she had claimedella había reivindicado
we had claimednosotros habíamos reivindicado
you had claimedvosotros habíais reivindicado
they had claimedellos habían reivindicado
they had claimedellas habían reivindicado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will claimyo reivindicaré
you will claimtú reivindicarás
he will claimél reivindicará
she will claimella reivindicará
we will claimnosotros reivindicaremos
you will claimvosotros reivindicaréis
they will claimellos reivindicarán
they will claimellas reivindicarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have claimedyo habré reivindicado
you will have claimedtú habrás reivindicado
he will have claimedél habrá reivindicado
she will have claimedella habrá reivindicado
we will have claimednosotros habremos reivindicado
you will have claimedvosotros habréis reivindicado
they will have claimedellos habrán reivindicado
they will have claimedellas habrán reivindicado

I would claimyo reivindicaría
you would claimtú reivindicarías
he would claimél reivindicaría
she would claimella reivindicaría
we would claimnosotros reivindicaríamos
you would claimvosotros reivindicaríais
they would claimellos reivindicarían
they would claimellas reivindicarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have claimedyo habría reivindicado
you would have claimedtú habrías reivindicado
he would have claimedél habría reivindicado
she would have claimedella habría reivindicado
we would have claimednosotros habríamos reivindicado
you would have claimedvosotros habríais reivindicado
they would have claimedellos habrían reivindicado
they would have claimedellas habrían reivindicado

Participio presenteAnotado
claiming reivindicando

Participio pasadoAnotado
claimed reivindicado

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